Monday, December 05, 2005

KRZQ Ball (Beck, Material Issue, Possum Dixon, Rollins Band, Violent Femmes) - Livestock Events Center, Reno, Nevada - June 9, 1994

The last concert I saw in Reno turned out to be a very appropriate one. At the time, I don’t think we even had plans to move to San Diego yet, but it was soon to come.

It was the first ever KRZQ Ball – finally, Reno started doing what other normal cities did across the country – bring in a bunch of cool bands all at one time, courtesy of the alternative radio station. I imagine this was the first of many such shows, and probably they still go on today. But at the time, it was all new to us and we felt pretty privileged. Even if most of us hated Beck at the time.

The other appropriate irony was the location. What else says Reno like the Livestock Events Center? How many other people can say that their hometown had a place just to highlight farm animals? Normally, the center had 4-H events, parts of the state fair and Reno Rodeo, and other such exciting activities. But on this evening, we watched alternative rock bands. It is a nasty, dusty place to do so, to be honest. The floor is dirt and it kind of reeks of manure even if there are no cows inside. I bet the bands were pretty disgusted. But I guess they got paid.

The nice thing about the venue though was that it was close to my condo. So for the first time ever, we walked to a show from my place. It was kind of a long and scary walk. Wedekind road was not made for pedestrians. But all my friends showed up at my place and walked together anyway.

As for the show itself, I have to say I have no recollection of Possum Dixon, the Rollins Band or Beck. I am not even sure we stayed for Beck, though I imagine we did. I have to say for a long time, I didn’t get Beck at all. Everyone kept saying he was a genius, but all I knew was that he had a kind of catchy but overplayed song called Loser. Now that I am older, I do like Beck somewhat. Not enough to buy an album, but enough to not switch it off if it comes on.

I do remember Material Issue – how could I not, they have a song that always follows me, Valerie Loves Me. It turns out that the lead singer died not too long after. I think he killed himself. Maybe his Valerie dumped him or something.

The band I remember most was the Violent Femmes. This was actually the second time I saw them live (the first time being with the b-52's - though obviously I didn't remember that at all), and their first album has always been one of my favorites. I remember my friend KR traded for it at a pawn shop in Carson City when we were in high school, and we listened to it incessantly for months. Unfortunately for the band, it seems to be everyone’s favorite, and I don’t think many people get much beyond that. I know that I have had trouble getting into anything else they’ve recorded, with the exception of Fat, which is a pretty silly little song.

It was a nice evening, and a fitting goodbye to Reno’s music scene. Soon we would be in San Diego, where these kind of radio-sponsored shows would be a dime a dozen.