I started thinking that I didn’t remember a whole lot about this show, but there are a few nuggets, anyway. This was the first show we went to at the Arco Arena in Sacramento. I know CA and I went together, but I can’t really remember if anyone else was with us. Might have been CE, since she was my roommate at the time.
We got a bit lost getting to the show, since Arco Arena is in the middle of nowhere. We turned off the highway and it was really dark, so we drove for a while without seeing anything, then had to stop at a gas station for directions. Finally, we found the place, it’s quite big, after all.
It was kind of weird seeing a show in a place that normally has basketball games. We were on the shiny hardwood floor. I also remember they didn’t allow smoking inside, which seemed almost unheard of for a concert. Of course people were passing around joints during the show, like most concerts, but no one lit up any cigarettes.
I remember being pretty disappointed with the show overall. The sound was really not so great, and since this was the Sonic Temple tour, the Cult had pretty much transitioned from their sort of edgy days to plain old hard rock. She Sells Sanctuary, one of my favorite all time songs, sounded really crappy. Ian Astbury still had really cool hair, the highlight of the show.
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