I don’t think I know the proper date for this show – I certainly do not have the ticket. I looked on the web and according to a fan site the only date they played in San Diego in this timeframe was March 14, 1997. However, the also says they played at Soma which was definitely not where I saw them. I want to say we saw them on new years eve or new years day, but I don’t see any listing for that anywhere either.
In any case, we saw Fishbone at the Belly Up in Solana Beach sometime in early 1997. I always liked the Belly Up as a venue but for some reason this was the only show I ever saw there during the time I lived in San Diego. I don’t know if it was because they leaned towards older jazz types or because Solana Beach was just a bit too far out of town when there were so many good shows within easy reach. Solana Beach is a cool town actually, sort of a cleaned up respectable beach community with brand new facilities, a cool design community but with less snobbery than its nearby neighbors Del Mar and Rancho Santa Fe. When I first moved to San Diego I did a short freelance stint in ad sales/writing there.
Fishbone is a really cool, very fun band to see live but not really one I have followed much. They have a great Ska/Reggae groove which makes for easy dancing (bouncing around really). Plus I always liked their logos and t-shirts.
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