Saturday, December 18, 2004

Depeche Mode (with Nitzer Ebb) - Cal Expo, Sacramento, CA - July 22, 1990

I remember this show, on the Violator tour, as one of the most fun concerts ever. Everything about it seemed just great – it was outside on a wonderfully warm summer evening. Nitzer Ebb, the opening band, was fabulous, especially after we suffered through the crappy Genuine Diamelles a couple of months before. Every song was performed just right, amazingly danceable and/or slow and tender, and it seemed that the whole crowd was so into the show that the energy was contagious.

I had mixed up the details of this show with the Bowie show in my mind. I guess they were only a couple of months apart and both at Cal Expo. But thanks to Paul and his elephantile memory, I now have it straight. Cory, Paul, Al, Christy and her brother Brian, Kirsten and her friend Debbie all went to the show. We went in three cars – Cory and Paul drove my Subaru wagon, Christy, Al, Brian and I rode in her car, and Kirsten and Debbie drove separately. We all met at the Tower Parking lot in Sacramento and Debbie made a snippy comment about a bumpersticker in the lot – Nevada is not a Wasteland, then Christy informed her it was her car and her bumpersticker she was commenting on.

Cory, Christy, Paul and I all wrote letters to spell out L-O-V-E like the Strangelove video and held up our hands during the show. We were a bit dorky, but that was nothing compared to the Little 15 video Cory and Paul had made with Paul’s camcorder.

1 comment:

Our Man Horn said...

Far too many people have seen that "Little 15" video.

I remember -- during the encore -- that Depeche Mode had just finished an awesome rendition of "Behind the Wheel" when Dave Gahan bellowed into the mic, "Sixty-six." Then the song segued into their cover of "Route 66." Cory almost wet his pants... not necessarily with pee.