Monday, October 08, 2007

No Doubt - San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, California - June 3, 1997

Gwen Stefani has come a long way since I saw this concert more than ten years ago in San Diego. I would not really expect a So-Cal punk rocker to be very popular in Britain but she is – I see adverts for her all the time on the telly. And not just for her music, but of late I see more for her perfume. I guess she also has her own clothing line. Pretty cool, Gwen.

If I think of punk rocker girls from my childhood, it is not an odor I would really want to duplicate or wear. But I suspect hers does not sell of patchouli, clove cigarettes and sweat. At least I hope not.

I have to say though, I don’t remember seeing this concert at all. I was thinking for some reason we saw them at Del Mar Fairgrounds, but then I realized that was the Offspring a couple of years earlier. I imagine the crowd was probably the same, pre-teens with their parents in tow. I guess it was not especially memorable. Sorry, Gwen.

1 comment:

Our Man Horn said...

No Doubt did all their requisite songs (at the time) and a fun "Imperial March" aka Darth Vader's Theme. Lots of tween Stefaniwannabes with dots on their foreheads and bare midriffs.