A little over a year after I first saw the Thompson Twins, they were back, supporting their new album, Here’s to Future Days. I of course had long before purchased the 12” single of Lay your Hands on Me, and I was again pumped to see them again.
This time I went with a new, cooler set of friends who knew how to prepare for a show. We left Carson City early in the afternoon and got to the concert hours early to wait for a good spot on the floor, since it was general admission. On the way to the show, we listened to Oingo Boingo on the tape deck. It was the first time I heard them, and I would go on to see them many more times.
While we were sitting there waiting in line for our spot, one of my friends decided we should go get something to drink to make the wait go by a little faster, and after all, it was November and we were cold.
So two of us walked up the hill a bit to the 7-11 to buy liquor. My friend had a fake ID, or I should say, a real drivers license that belonged to someone else. Funny thing was, the person in the picture had brown hair while my friend’s was blond.
In those days in Nevada, when you were under 21 your license showed a photo from a side view, kindof like a mug shot. When we selected our items and went up to the register to buy them, the clerk said, “Hey, that’s not you. You’re a blond.” To which she immediately and confidently replied. “Of course it’s me. I dye my hair. See?” She turned to the side, held up her hair so the clerk could see her roots, and convinced them that indeed she was the one in the photo. I think she was 16 at the time.
So, we came back triumphantly and warmed up all of our friends with a stash of booze. I think it was Bacardi.
Again, while the concert was great fun, I don’t remember much about the performance itself. I know that OMD opened for the Twins one of the times I saw them, however, I can’t remember if it was this show or the previous one.
OMG, this is so cool. I was looking for information to remind me who OMD opened for and what year it was that I saw them in Reno. Ah, yes, the Thompson Twins, so it was, and 1985. And it freaked me out for a moment that I was also underage (18)and had a fake ID and my name is Valerie. For a split second, I thought... Did I write about this years ago? But no, lol. Thanks for sharing.
wow - that's great - what a small world. I don't know that many other Valerie's. I think I had just turned 16 - i never would have gotten away with my own Fake ID, i looked like i was 12! LOL
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